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NBC-HWC Exam Study Group November 2024
The NBC-HWC November 2024 Study Group provides accountability, week-by-week study toolkits, practice tests, exam tips and tricks, and an opportunity to harness the power of the group when studying for the NBC-HWC exam.
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
Transform Your Coaching: Coach the Being, Not the Doing (October 2024)
Do you have clients or patients that consistently do not meet their goals? One possible problem is that you are coaching the problem and not the person. Learn how to elevate your coaching skills so that when you are coaching the being the doing gets done!
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
NBC-HWC Exam Study Group November 2023
The NBC-HWC November 2023 Study Group provides accountability, week-by-week study toolkits, practice tests, exam tips and tricks, and an opportunity to harness the power of the group when studying for the NBC-HWC exam.
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
150 Question NBC-HWC Practice Test with Explanations
If you are planning to take the Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach certification exam this course is for you! It costs $500 to retake the test. Walk in with confidence and pass with flying colors!
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
10 Free NBC-HWC Practice Test Questions
My 10 Free NBC-HWC Practice Test Questions are designed to give you a little bit of flavor of what the 4-hour exam will be like. I include questions that represent Coaching Structure, Coaching Practice, Health & Wellness, and Ethics & Legal.
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
Transform Your Coaching: Coach the Being, Not the Doing (June 2024)
Do you have clients or patients that consistently do not meet their goals? One possible problem is that you are coaching the problem and not the person. Learn how to elevate your coaching skills so that when you are coaching the being the doing gets done!
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
85 Question NBC-HWC Practice Test with Explanations
If you are planning to take the Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach certification exam this course is for you! It costs $500 to retake the test. Walk in with confidence and pass with flying colors!
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
Fundamentals of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion for Health Coaches (2.0 CECs)
Want to create a more inclusive coaching practice? Course topics include fundamentals of DE & I and downloadable PDF resources. This course includes an opportunity to earn 2 CECs for those certified with their NBC-HWC.
Dr. Cherie O'Neill (Kroh)
Amanda Hershberg, NBC-HWC
Learning HOW to take a test is important.
Cherie, one of the most important things I have learned from you is how to read and understand a test question. Seriously. If you know all the theory, data, etc but don't understand how to take the test, it's not going to end well. When I signed up for this group, I didn't even realize this was a skill that I needed to work on. Thank you!!!
Marie de Senailhac, NBC-HWC
Worth the price!
Took this course and HIGHLY recommend it!!! Cherie’s guidance & accountability was a major part in helping me pass the board 👏✨ gooooo for it! Def worth the price.
Lee Jordan,
While I believe the program I went through landed me ready to take the exam with no additional studying, I did use [this] course and it was very helpful regarding how to think about the test and questions. Additionally, I found her teaching style to be a confidence builder. I would recommend it.